Things are getting smoothed out with the new gallery and proofing platform - apologies for the first few days of assesment. 

What to Expect

Gallery expires on February 28, 2025


Where do we start?

Well, first you contact us and let us know you've scoured the entire internet and we’re your favorite. Right?  We hope so! Seriously, I hope you’re shopping around because this is undoubtedly the 2nd most important investment you’ll make for this whole event planning! (fiance is hopefully the MOST important)

1) Contact Us

2) We meet and discuss your details (location, date, mood, size)

3) Put Together a package to meet both your needs and budget

4) We request a 40% Retainer to hold the date officially

5) You sign a contract to confirm details!

6) Celebrate! You've handled one of the most important investments you can make to preserve your wedding day forever.

Do We Offer Albums?

We offer small keepsake 5×5 books beginning at $120 as well as giant, gold and diamond-flaked monstrosities that must be delivered by helicopter. (insert laughter)  Really though, albums can be so unique and individual that we’d love to sit down with you and discuss your interests.  

Common variables include Size (4×4 > 16×24) | Cover Material | Page Thickness | # of Pages | Design Complexity | Paper Used | Machine Printed or hand crafted

Lets talk about your personal ideas and find a solution that will meet both your needs and your budget.  Remember that things in this world are either GOOD, FAST, or CHEAP but you only 2 of those things at a time are possible.

Do We Travel? 

We love nothing more than a destination wedding - an exciting new location that we've never been to before - so the answer is Yes!  Our Travel needs are very different depending on where your particular location will be, so please reach out to discuss details 

We ask our client's to provide lodging accommodations for us.  If your destination is somewhere even more exciting (Cancun? Italy? Spain?) than we consider that a special circumstance and are happy to work out special travel rates for you.


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